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About Me

About Connect

Welcome to Connect, an online fitness and wellness coaching hub designed for women seeking a practical connection with their bodies.


Our Mission: To empower busy mums to thrive in harmony with their bodies through online group coaching.  


Tailored Coaching for You: Our programs are personalized to meet your individual needs. Whether you're navigating motherhood, embracing menopause, or simply pursuing a healthier lifestyle, Connect is your partner in achieving your goals.


Wellness Redefined: At Connect, we believe in a straightforward approach to wellness. It's not just about physical fitness; it's about understanding and improving your overall well-being.


Join us on the Journey: Connect with us today and embark on a practical journey towards a healthier, happier you.

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My Vision


My vision is for women to have a harmonious journey through every life stage, from puberty to post menopause. I strive for a future where women confidently own and celebrate their body, fostering a culture of empowerment for generations to come.

Hi I'm Amy!

Personal Trainer, Nutrition Coach & Mama


Tired of the narrative suggesting our bodies lose control with age, I ventured into personal training. I grew up with the common mantra echoing: "just wait until you have kids/hit 30/hit menopause etc, it will happen to you too." and it simply didn't sit right with me.


Determined to challenge this, I initially believed that intense training and 'clean' eating held the universal key.


However, a reality check hit when my boot camp-style workouts didn't align with the unique needs of the mums who attended. This prompted a deep dive, leading to certificates in pre & postnatal exercise prescription.


Continuous education became my compass. I've since gained numerous certificates in all aspects of women's health, reinforcing my commitment to providing comprehensive and specialised support.


Now, my belief centres on the body as a vessel for life. Appearance is trivial; how it feels and supports your life matters. Equally crucial is how you nurture your body and mind.


My journey through IVF amplified this understanding and, as a mum with a C-section scar as a badge of honour, I've gained profound respect for our body's journey. Every phase, from puberty to post-menopause, deserves nurture and respect.


Becoming a mum intensified my commitment to modelling a positive body relationship for my daughter. It's a lifelong journey, but I relish the peace it brings.


When we partner with our bodies, we can accomplish wonderful things!


2023 - Women's Wellness & Whole Body Vibration Workshop (Burrell Education)

2022 - NatalStrength® (Burrell Education)

2022 - Training Females Level 1 (Fitness Education Online)

2020 - 2024 - Member of NZ Register for Exercise Professionals (REPS)

2021 - Finalist - Community Trainer of The Year - Exercise Industry Awards (Exercise NZ)

2021 - Optimal Nutrition & Lifestyle for Post Natal Healing & Recovery (Burrell Education)

2021 - Online Training Essentials (Fitness Education Online)

2020 - Optimal Health After Hysterectomy (Burrell Education)

2020 - Online Trainer Certificate (Online Trainer Academy)

2019 - Level 1 Nutrition Coaching (Precision Nutrition)

2019 - Modern Pregnancy Exercise (Burrell Education)

2019 - Pelvic Floor & Core Foundations (Burrell Education)

2018 - Pelvic Floor Safe Fitness Professional Certificate (Continence NZ)

2018-2023 - Holistic Core Restore® Coaching Certificate & Licensed Coach (Burrell Education)

2017 - Modern Post Natal Exercise (Burrell Education)

2017 - Personal Training Level 3 & 4 (Fit College NZ)

2015 - Boot Camp Instructor Certificate (Boot It Fitness)

2012 - Certificate in Audiology (Anglia Ruskin University)

2005 - Bachelor of Fine Arts - Fashion Design (Whitecliffe College of Arts & Design)


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